Ok, so cupcakes are delicious. Everyone knows that. But, cupcakes stuffed with peanut butter and then topped with a peanut butter protein frosting? Now that is next level. That is why I bring you these BLUEBERRY PEANUT BUTTER PROTEIN CUPCAKES.

I’ve been playing around a bit with making my own protein peanut butter (STAY TUNED!), and I had quite a bit leftover. I figured, blueberries and peanut butter go together well, so why not make some cupcakes? For the sake of this recipe, since I don’t have a recipe for the protein peanut butter yet, you can use regular peanut butter or this protein peanut butter which I like.

I used my Xtend Pro vanilla ice cream protein powder in both the cupcakes and the frosting. It adds a delicious vanilla flavor, and of course the protein for extra gainzzzzz! It is actually pretty crazy how they got it to taste so much like vanilla ice cream.