I just got back a couple days ago from my long trip to Canada for my cycling race. After having some not so delicious cafeteria food for almost 10 days, it is nice to be back home and making some delicious recipes again. I was craving something chocolate peanut butter flavored (surprising right?), so I decided to make a chocolate peanut butter protein mug cake.

One of my favorite things about mug cakes is that you can make them so quick. It’s not like you have to wait almost an hour for a normal cake to bake. Just mix up the ingredients and microwave for about a minute and a half. If you don’t want to use a microwave, you can also bake it in the oven. You will just have to wait a little longer for your sweet treat.

The cake is just a typical chocolate protein cake. I used MusclePharm chocolate milk combat protein powder. I also added some cocoa powder to help give it a little more of a decadent chocolate taste.

For the toppings, I actually kept it relatively simple on this recipe. It is just some Nuts N’ More protein peanut butter drizzled on and part of a chocolate peanut butter combat bar that I chopped up. These combat bars are by far my favorite protein bars out there.

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