Before I left for Vermont on Wednesday for a cycling race, I made an extra recipe to post while I am gone. I made these double chocolate fudgy protein cookies for a couple reasons. The first is that I don’t make cookies very often. The second is that cookies are absolutely delicious and who wouldn’t want cookies?

One of the ways they are healthy is that they are made from garbanzo beans. Yes, you heard me correctly. It might seem like a terrible idea when making cookies, but trust me the cookies turned out awesome. They add a boost of protein and fiber that you wouldn’t get from using flour. And of course, there is no gluten in beans like there is in flour.

You could also use black beans in this recipe which would go along with the chocolate color better. I am not sure exactly how the taste might differ, but I am sure they would still taste great. I have made quite a few recipes such as these white chocolate protein brownies and hazelnut protein brownies which turned out great.

My favorite part about these cookies is that they are nice and moist. It can be really easy to dry out protein cookies and make them hard. By using the beans, coconut oil, and casein protein powder, they ended up with a perfect consistency. This recipe will not come out the same if whey protein is used. The taste would still be great, but the texture would be quite different!

[tasty-recipe id=”3364″]