It is no secret that I absolutely love donuts. I don’t care what kind they are, if you put some donuts in front of me, I will smash all of them. My brother and I once raced to see who could at a dozen donuts first. Anyway, these BLUEBERRY PROTEIN DONUTS absolutely hit the spot.

Mmmmmm protein donuts…. check out the video recipe below!
I love that they are low-calorie, healthy, and packed with protein because that just means I can eat like 4 and not feel so bad about myself! Ha, I am kind of kidding but not really.

When I’m around dessert, things get crazy. I think that is a lot of the reason why I started MacroChef. I am not sure where I got my sweet tooth from, but it is extreme. When I first started cooking, I thought, “Hey if I make the recipes healthy and packed with protein, and lower calories, then I can eat a lot more!” And so we have morphed into this today where I make goodies like these blueberry protein donuts.

These donuts were actually really simple to make. I used my Lil Buff Gut Buster Blueberry Mix. You can use that link to get $3 off your order of $20 or more, or you can use my code “CAKE-MACROCHEF” for the same discount on Lil Buff website. This flavor is called Gut-Buster Blueberry because it has the BIOHM Super Greens powder with 20+ whole greens and probiotics! Perfect to make these blueberry protein donuts.

They make protein cake mixes that are super easy. Literally all you have to do is add a few ingredients, mix and microwave. Of course, you microwave if you are making a mug cake. But, you can make all kinds of things with their protein cake mix. I made these donuts, and I really want to try making a loaf of protein bread using it!