Cookies. Cookie Butter. Cookie dough. Safe to say I like cookies I think. Although, I can’t just eat a bunch of normal, sugar-loaded, unhealthy cookie dough (even though I really want to😅)! So, I made this cookie butter protein cookie dough. It’s just as good, and packed with protein and fiber.

Anyway, like most of the healthy cookie doughs I make, I used garbanzo beans/chickpeas for the base. I know, it sounds weird. Who would want to eat cookie flavored beans? But trust me, it’s amazing. The texture is just like cookie dough, but has the added benefit of protein and fiber from the beans.

To give it the amazing cookie and cookie butter flavor, I used my cookie butter flavored protein powder from Xtend. And, as you can see in the pictures, I also threw some cookies into the batter. Cookie dough with crushed up cookies inside is a win in my opinion. I used peanut butter sandwich cookies, but you can really use any preferred cookie.

I really love the versatility of this recipe. You can spread it on toast. Eat it by the spoonful. Maybe mix it into your oatmeal? Putting a big dollop of it on top of pancakes is also delicious.

Check out other Cookie Dough Recipes here!