This was one of those recipes that turned out a lot better than I expected. I saw some recipes online for deep dish chocolate chip cookie pies and they all looked so gooey and delicious. They were also all pretty unhealthy. Then I saw a healthy recipe for a deep dish cookie pie on the Chocolate-Covered Katie blog. I decided to use it as inspiration for my own recipe.

One of the cool parts about this recipe is that there isn’t any flour in it at all. And no butter. Most cookies are filled with butter and white flour but not this one. The secret ingredient is garbanzo beans. They help give it a dense and moist texture without the added calories. They also help pack it with fiber.

To give a good boost of fiber to the cake, I added in a couple scoops of MusclePharm vanilla combat protein powder. It helped with the flavor quite a bit too. It is the perfect protein powder to use in almost any recipe.

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