I don’t make cupcakes often, but when I do, I have to be careful I don’t eat the whole batch at once! I mean really. All cupcakes pique my interest, but these Vanilla Peanut Butter Protein Cupcakes are some of the best!

For the cupcakes, of course, I used peanut butter in the batter along with some vanilla protein powder to give them the delicious vanilla peanut butter flavor. The protein is actually some Xtend Pro vanilla ice cream. This stuff legitimately tastes like vanilla ice cream!

One of the best parts about these cupcakes, in addition to the fantastic flavor, is that each one has only 200 calories and a whopping 20 grams of protein. That is less calories and more protein than most protein bars you will find, and wouldn’t you rather eat a cupcake than a protein bar?

These cupcakes are also low carb! Only 13 grams of carbs in each cupcake. You can’t beat eating a delicious treat like this that has more protein than carbs!

Is peanut butter in the Import Aisle?