After my ride today, all I could really think about was donuts. Then my dad came home with a bunch of cinnamon rolls which also looked pretty darn tasty. Hmmm. Donuts sounded good, but so did something cinnamon flavored. It didn’t take me long to figure out how to fix my dilemma. I decided on some cinnamon sugar protein donuts. And don’t worry… the donuts are baked!

There is just something about a good fluffy cake donut that I love. That is probably because it has the work cake in it, and let’s be honest, cake is awesome. That’s exactly what these donuts were. Awesome. They are moist, fluffy, and the texture of cake. I used my MusclePharm cinnamon bun combat powder in them because they need some sort of nutrition boost. Each one has about 8 grams of protein.

To actually make them cinnamon sugar donuts, of course you need cinnamon and sugar. I just mixed 1-2 tsp. cinnamon with about 3 tbsp. of sugar. To get the cinnamon sugar to stick, I sprayed them with a little bit of olive oil cooking spray. You could go all out and melt some butter to spread on them, but then we might be getting a little bit away from the whole healthy aspect. Either way, you really can’t beat a moist protein donut coated in cinnamon sugar.

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