I was scrolling through my Instagram today trying to decide what to make. I always try to see what I have made recently and change it up a bit so that I’m not making the same types of recipes every time. I realized that it has been a little while since my last batch of donuts so I figured it was about time I make some more.

My sister actually got back from Europe yesterday after touring different countries there for the past 25 days. She likes to bake with me so today she helped me make these confetti protein donuts.

They turned out perfect. The donuts are light, fluffy and full of flavor. They did not dry out like many protein baked goods often do. All they need is about 7 minutes at 350F and they are done. It is easy to forget about them in such a short period of time so don’t go too far from the kitchen!

One of my favorite parts about making something cake batter or confetti cake flavored is the awesome colors. It just makes it look so much more appealing with all of those colors. These donuts really reminded me of eating vanilla birthday cake when I was younger.

Another great part about these donuts is that they each have 9 grams of muscle building protein. I used my MusclePharm vanilla combat powder and Greek yogurt to give them the big protein boost. My brother certainly liked them. He asked how much protein each had in it. I told him each had almost 10 grams, so he decided to eat 4 of them!
[tasty-recipe id=”3316″]