Now that it is December I guess I am going to have to use a little less pumpkin in my recipes and get a little more festive with Christmas recipes. Well actually, I lied. Because this recipe does use a little bit of pumpkin in it and it tastes warm and fall-like to me. But, who cares. They are gingerbread protein donuts and they are delicious no matter what.

I used my sample pack from PES again and decided to use their snickerdoodle protein powder. It is AWESOME! Seriously. I didn’t think it was possible to pretty much exactly mimic the flavor of a snickerdoodle in a protein powder, but they did it. The cinnamon flavor of it went perfect in these gingerbread donuts.

Then to make these moist cake donuts even better, I made a vanilla glaze for them. What would a donut be without a sweet glaze to go with it? Probably sad and lonely. That’s what. However, just because the glaze is sweet doesn’t mean its full of sugar. It is actually really simple and healthy. It is just some vanilla Sweet Spreads coconut butter and 1/2 a scoop of vanilla protein powder mixed with a little bit of milk.

Just bake the donuts, let them cool, mix the glaze, dip them in the glaze and devour! In my opinion, that final step was my favorite part. I probably could have eaten all six of them if I hadn’t had a little bit of self control.

[tasty-recipe id=”3027″]
yay!!! a protein that i own!!!!