Wow, that title is a mouthful. Literally. I didn’t really know what else to call it other than exactly what it is. Anabolic Air Fryer Cannoli Stuffed French Toast. That is what is is, so that is what we are going to go with.
Anabolic Air Fryer Cannoli Stuffed French Toast

My dad recently gave me his air fryer, and wow, I can’t believe what I have been missing these last few years. This thing is a serious game changer. I now want to cook literally everything in it. I have started experimenting with some cakes, cookies, donuts, and then some savory recipes too.
One of my favorites, and a staple in my diet, are air fried potatoes. I eat tons of potatoes (gotta have all the carbs with all the cycling I do) and the air fryer is now the easiest and tastiest way to enjoy them.
The recipe is actually quite easy with minimal ingredients
There are two parts to it. The french toast, and then the cannoli cream filling.

For the french toast you just need
- Bread (I used white bread because it is delicious)
- Egg whites
- Cinnamon
- Sweetener of choice
For the cannoli filling
- Greek yogurt (I used plain, nonfat)
- Sugar free vanilla pudding mix
- ONE Vegan protein from Macro1 Nutrition (code “MACROCHEF” to save 10%!!) ***
A little not about the protein in the recipe. You can leave it out if you want. I think it helps to make the cream filling a little bit thicker and adds a bit of sweetness, but I have also tried it without protein and it is delicious!
Make sure to pre-heat the air fryer
I made this mistake the first time I was using it. I just tossed whatever I was cooking in there and turned it on. Not sure why I thought this would work since I always preheat the regular oven, but in case your brain doesn’t work sometimes like me, don’t forget to preheat it.
Also, make sure to spray it well with nonstick spray or just put a piece of parchment on the bottom which makes clean up much easier.

Simple, quick and delicious
- Whisk together the egg wash mixture
- In a separate bowl mix together the cannoli filling ingredients
- Dip two slices of bread in the egg mixture and place in the air fryer.
- Top each with a generous serving of the cannoli filling.
- Dip two more slices in the egg mixture. Add to the top of the other slices with the filling already on top.
- Spray the tops with some nonstick spray to help them crisp up and air fry for about 5 minutes on 375F!
- Enjoy the delicious, low-calorie, and protein packed breakfast (or snack) or even dinner if you are like me and love a good breakfast for dinner!
A quick note before we get to the recipe!
Most of you already know that the protein I use on here is my own company which I started about a year and a half ago. Our ONE Protein (whey + casein blend) has been out of stock for the last couple of months due to some huge demand.
However, we have just launched the ONE Vegan protein (formal announcement soon) and you can get it now! It is a premium plant-based, naturally sweetened protein powder. Of course, still amazing for baking, but gives you guys the option of a dairy free alternative and slightly less sweet protein to use in some amazing recipes.
Use code “MACROCHEF” to save 10% and help support me!!
Stay tuned for all those new dairy free recipes to come (and even if you aren’t dairy free, you will love some of these recipes!) One of my favorites coming soon is the fudgy peanut butter brownie recipe. And of course, this one here with the ONE Vegan in the filling.