Whenever I get home from a ride I am always hungry. I would love to take hours to bake something extravagant but the hunger gets the best of me. If I don’t eat when I am hungry, you can tell because I am not a very happy person wen that happens! So, that is why I have been making a lot of my post ride sweets in the microwave. It makes it so quick and easy.
I wanted something chocolate chip when I got done riding last night. I just made a mixed berry protein cake a few days ago and wanted to change it up a bit. I decided to go with chocolate chip protein cupcakes. From the time I started making them to the time I was done and ready to eat was probably less than 5 minutes.
I microwaved them in some silicone cupcake liners and it worked perfectly. The cooking time was only about 1:30 to 2:00 depending on your microwave. I use MusclePharm combat protein powder which is a blend of different proteins and does not dry out like whey protein does. If you use whey protein, be careful because it may need less cooking time or the cupcakes will be dry.
Once they were done, I topped them with some melted dark chocolate peanut butter and more mini chocolate chips. Each cupcake has only 70 calories and 6 grams of protein. I ate all 6 of them and they were absolutely delicious!
[tasty-recipe id=”3292″]
My microwave is very slow. Would u have any idea on how I could bake these in my oven. What temp and for how long. I would prefer this method. Thanks. Kathu
I would say that you could probably bake them for 5-10 minutes at 350F. Whenever you stick a knife or toothpick in them and it comes out clean they should be done.