There is something about sweet and salty combination that I am pretty much obsessed with. I salt my oatmeal, my smoothies, my brownies, and pretty much anything else that is sweet. I think really enhances the flavor. And here, we have some sweet and salty again with these Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Protein Pancakes!

So, I was going to use some sugar free salted caramel on top of these to reduce the calories/sugar, but then I tasted it, and not going to lie, it was awful. I’m not going to name any names though… So, I just used some real caramel sauce because a little sugar isn’t gonna kill you and it makes it taste a hell of a lot better!

The rest of the amazing salted caramel flavor comes from the Xtend Salted Caramel Shake protein powder. They did not lie when naming this flavor, it seriously tastes like a straight up salted caramel shake!

The chocolate chips were added because you can never go wrong with adding chocolate chips to pancakes (hints the name Salted Caramel Protein Pancakes). It is almost wrong to make a stack of protein pancakes without chocolate chips, or at least that’s my opinion! I use these Lily’s Dark Chocolate chips. They are so good I often just eat them by themselves!