It is no secret that I love making my high-volume, low-calorie, protein-packed recipes here on MacroChef. This one is no different, and inspired by my Anabolic Protein Ice Cream, we have this tutorial on How to Make Protein Fluff recipe.
The BEST Protein Fluff

We will run you through on what protein fluff even is? How to make it? The best ingredients to use in it, and everything you could need to nail this recipe.
What is protein fluff?
Well, it is just as it sounds. Protein fluff. In reality, it is almost like a protein ice cream, but fluffier and more voluminous. It has an almost mousse like texture, and you can customize in so many different ways.
Different people will make it slightly differently, but there is one thing for sure, you will enjoy it no matter what flavor combinations you use.
How to make protein fluff?
It really is one of the most simple recipes you can make. All you need are 4-ingredients for my recipe, a powerful food processor, and about 5 minutes of patience.
I noted that you need to use a food processor, and that is imperative for this recipe. A blender will work, but it really won’t fluff up as you see here in this recipe. The food processor whips it up more than a blender will due to the wider base and larger blades.

I use this food processor here, but almost any large food processor will do the trick. This is a 14-cup food processor, and you really do use all the space it has because despite this recipe only having 250 calories, it will make 2.5-3 liters (10-12 cups) of protein fluff.
It is almost like cheating on a diet because you get so much volume, so much flavor, for so few calories.
Step 1 – add everything to food processor
Add all your ingredients to a food processor. You can see here what I used
- Frozen berries
- Unsweetened almond milk
- Ice
- Macro1 Nutrition ONE Protein (whey + casein blend protein powder)
Step 2 – process / blend
The great thing about using a food processor is that you turn it on and pretty much just let it do all the work. You really don’t need to scrape the sides or do any mixing in the middle. I typically just add all the ingredients, turn it on, go do something for 5 mins and come back to a huge bowl that is ready to eat.

Step 3 – add any desired toppings and enjoy!
In this recipe, I added some mini chocolate chips to the top because that is what I had on hand, but you can, of course, add any desired toppings! Peanut butter (or peanut flour) on top would be delicious!

Check out the video tutorial to make it!

And now, for the recipe (which is pretty easy with only 4 ingredients)!!!